Top-Rope Anchors and Abseiling Course

This two-day course is aimed at people wanting to learn how to set up their own top-rope anchors to climb safely in the outdoors.

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This two-day course is aimed at people wanting to learn how to set up their own top-ropes to climb safely in the outdoors.
It is useful for those planning to purchase their own equipment to take friends/family out for an adventurous daytime activity, and to get a head-start into this amazing sport.

What is Top-Rope rock climbing?

Top-rope climbing, in simple terms, is a system in which a climbing rope runs from a person (called a belayer) stationed at the bottom of a cliff face, up through an anchor system set at the top of the cliff, and back down to the climber. It is the absolute simplest way for beginners to experience rock climbing in the outdoors, and requires a minimum of equipment. If you have ever been to an indoor-rock climbing wall, it is likely you were taught the basic techniques that climbers use when top-roping (like belaying and tying a figure-8 knot), however in that indoor situation you will have found the rope already in place at the top of their artificial wall.

What are the aims of this course?

The aim of this course is to provide a comprehensive set of skills that you can use to set up your own top-rope climbs in the outdoors. These skills include:

  • Anchors. You need the ability to set safe anchors at the top of the cliff, capable of holding a fall.
  • Abseiling. To get down safely, you can either walk (which is how you got up there) or you can abseil. We will learn the latter… with a prusik backup.
  • Belaying and Lowering. You need to know how to safely belay a climber as they ascend the cliff (it’s not just as simple as holding the rope), and you need to know how to safely lower them to the ground after they have finished climbing.
  • Rope Management. As well as tying a Figure-8 for the climber and threading the belay device to belay with, you need to know how to manage the excess rope on the ground and how to care for the rope
  • Safety. You need to know how to create a safe climbing environment by recognising and mitigating the dangers of climbing, by wearing a helmet, using redundant anchors and ensuring your own safety by securing yourself while you build and dismantle the anchors.

What will we learn?

  • Identify established rock-climbing areas suitable for top-rope climbing, as well as areas that are not suitable.
  • Secure yourself at the top of a cliff while building an anchor.
  • Build effective top-rope climbing ERNEST anchors.
  • Safe abseiling using a prusik backup.
  • Return at the end of your session without leaving any of your gear behind.
  • Inspect fixed climbing hardware and anchors before you use them.
  • Recognise the most common top-rope climbing mistakes and easy methods to mitigate them.
  • Make intelligent decisions in the outdoors.

What do we need to own/bring?

  • All climbing safety equipment is supplied by The Climbing Company, however if you own any of the following equipment please bring it along with you – learning with your own equipment is far better and will provide a great start to your outdoor climbing experience!Helmet *
  • Harness
  • Locking biner(s)
  • Belay device
    * Helmets are worn on all outdoor Climbing Company/Melbourne Climbing School courses – but as with all of the other climbing safety equipment, we have these if you don’t own one, and we will not charge any extra for their use on the course.
    The Climbing Company/Melbourne Climbing School can rent shoes to participants on these courses – regardless please bring closed footwear such as tennis shoes as they are fine for learning in.
    Non-climbing equipment: You will need to bring suitable clothing and footwear for light hiking, and your own lunch and water for the day (and a camera!).

I have never climbed before. Is this course suitable for me?

Most people who book into this course are preparing to purchase their own harnesses, ropes, helmets and all other required equipment to be able to climb independently in the outdoors. While you could certainly do this course with no prior experience, we recommend that you first get a feel for what outdoor Rock-Climbing is all about by attending an organised Group session or, if there aren’t any available that suit you, you can hire one of our guides directly for a Private Guiding session.


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