Single Pitch Guide Training

The scheme can be entered at this level by those who are experienced and competent at climbing and lead climbing using traditional leader placed protection, the SPG qualification covers the skills required to lead participants in all aspects of single pitch climbing / abseil environments, including guiding participants on routes whilst leading on placed protection.

Upcoming Dates:


This course is for those who would like to work in the industry, or for recreational climbers who would like to learn about instructing techniques. The course fee includes Associate Membership of the ACIA for the current calendar year.

Entry requirements :

Candidates may enter at this level bypassing the Top Rope Guide level if they feel they have sufficient lead climbing experience. It is expected that candidates be competent lead climbers on traditional gear up to a minimum of grade 10, and have their own personal climbing equipment to participate in the training program. Previous instructional experience is not necessary. However, candidates for assessment will be required to confidently demonstrate a minimum of grade 10 leading on traditional gear.
Over the four days, candidates will cover a full range of techniques and issues relating to climbing instruction, including:

  • The setting up of safe and efficient top rope and abseil teaching systems using a variety of belays and sites.
  • Methods for conducting clients safely and efficiently on single-pitch climbs.
  • Self rescue techniques and emergency situations relevant to single-pitch situations.
  • Site choice with relation to safety, environmental factors and outcome for the participant.
  • Teaching techniques and group management issues.
  • Environmental and land management concerns.

    Single Pitch Guide Interim Training Requirements:

    1. Complete either:
    • Forty (40) lead climbs at a variety of locations and rock types at least half of which should be at grade 10 or above or
    •1000 metres of lead climbing at a variety of locations and rock types
    2. Work experience (observation) days with qualified guides. These days are compulsory and must be completed before applying for assessment. The number of days for each candidate will be discussed at the end of the training course.

Please see for full details.


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